Frequently Asked Questions

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis can simply be defined as a state of heightened receptivity in which you’re able to refocus your mind and body for success. It’s an integrative process of rebuilding habits and behaviors, as well as emotions, beliefs, and feelings.

Have you ever found yourself completely immersed in an activity to the exclusion of everything else? That is a natural trance state. Common examples of this are while watching a movie and becoming transfixed in the plot. Or in working intently and finding that the last four hours have flown by without your conscious awareness. Perhaps you have been reading a book and been so transfixed that you did not hear someone come in and speak with you. Perhaps they surprised you or “woke” you from the state of mind and had to repeat their salutation to you.

Hypnosis is a naturally occurring state you’ve already experienced thousands of times. It is not manipulation, mind control, or magic. It simply is a tool that will allow you to tap into the power of your mind and take control of your life.

Does Hypnosis Work?

The success of your experience is dependent on two factors – the client’s willingness for change and the skills of the hypnotist.

If the client doesn’t have an honest desire for change, such as a smoker who is only seeing a hypnotist at the urging of a spouse, they are not prepared to accept the suggestions for positive change. If, however, the smoker is fed up with the habit and no longer wants the cigarettes to be a part of their life, they are primed for success.

Hypnosis is not a “one-size-fits-all” process. I will custom-design a process to help you reach your goals.

Will I Get Stuck In Hypnosis?

No one has ever been stuck in hypnosis. In the times of Online sessions if there is an internet connection failure your eyes will open and you may feel a bit sleepy.

Will You Make Me Do Something With
Which I am Not comfortable?

No. As your hypnotherapist its my job to ensure your comfortable with the process. If I do something you're not happy with, you will simply open your eyes and break the hypnosis process.

What Does Hypnosis Feel Like?

Hypnosis is different for each individual. Some people feel as if they've been in a deep sleep, while others think they are floating like a balloon, while others get this amazing feeling they are just sitting with their eyes closed listening to me speaking. When people come out of hypnosis some clients remember everything, some remember parts of the session while others say they don't remember anything. In reality your unconscious mind hears everything.

Will I Lose Control

No. Hypnosis is a state of mind that requires consent. You will be aware of what I am saying during the session and cannot be made to do against your own morals. You cannot be made to tell secrets while experiencing hypnosis.

A common misconception of hypnosis involves a potential client thinking that they may be “too strong-willed” to be hypnotized. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. The stronger your ability to focus and concentrate, the faster and easier you will go into hypnosis.

8 Unique Ways To Immediately Change Your Emotional State

You can change your emotions, and you can start right now! This eBook is a great resource for getting started with some practical tips. Just tell me where to send it and I will send it right now!


Calderwood, East Kilbride, Glasgow, UK

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