I am john clelland, a certified hypnotherapist based in east kilbride, scotland.

**Overcoming PTSD and Emotional Struggles: My Personal Journey**

In 2014, I was diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and soon after, I survived a stroke that left me with minor physical limitations. Fortunately, I recovered quickly from the physical effects. However, my biggest challenges lay ahead - a range of mental health and emotional issues that lingered long after my physical recovery.

For years, I struggled with feelings of denial and self-doubt, thinking I could overcome my issues on my own. I tried various self-help programs and treatments, but they didn't provide the relief I desperately needed. It wasn't until I discovered hypnotherapy that I began to experience profound shifts in my mindset. After just one session, I felt a sense of hope and optimism that I hadn't felt in years.

Through continued hypnotherapy sessions, I was able to overcome my mental and emotional struggles, and my outlook on life completely transformed. Now, I'm dedicated to helping others like you overcome their fears and struggles. When you're ready to take control of your personal journey, **schedule a session** with me today.

**Take the First Step Towards a Brighter Future**


Professional hypnotherapy can help with many issues!

Man hiding his face behind a set of scales on an orange background

Weight Loss Hypnosis

Hand crushing cigarettes with stress

Quit Smoking Hypnosis

Man holding left shoulder in pain against an orange background

Pain Control

8 Unique Ways To Immediately Change Your Emotional State

You can change your emotions, and you can start right now! This eBook is a great resource for getting started with some practical tips. Just tell me where to send it and I will send it right now!


Calderwood, East Kilbride, Glasgow, UK

White logo with words John Clelland Hypnosis

© Copyright John Clelland.  All Rights Reserved

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